Click here for UTS North Sydney DCC's COVID-19 Safety Plan
COVID-19 NOTICE regarding training, matches and club events
Please take note of the following actions that we ask you to take to keep participants, volunteers and workers safe:
When should you stay away?
All Players, Team officials, Parents/carers and Members must not attend training, matches or cricket related activities, if in the past 14 days you have:
- been unwell or had ?u-like symptoms;
- been in contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19;
- had any sudden loss of smell or loss of taste;
- are in a high-risk category, including the elderly and those with pre-existing medical heath conditions.
Click here for the definition of people who are deemed to be in the High Risk Category
Please check the NSW Government website for a full list of symptoms associated with COVID-19 infection -
Information and resources
The UTS North Sydney District Cricket Club promote and encourage the use of the following resources to remain informed with current information (click the links below):
We continue to promote the range of COVID-19 resources produced by the Federal Government, including posters outlining hygiene practices found here.
In addition, we encourage the use of cricket related resources found at
In conjunction with our state and national governing bodies, UTS North Sydney District Cricket Club have implemented and promoted amongst our stakeholders, a range of resources on COVID-19.
NSW Government Translated Resources
Click Here for In-language educational resources on COVID-19 for health workers and communities
NSW Government Resources
Cricket Australia Return to Cricket Resources
COVID-19 management
All members, volunteers and coaches are advised to self-isolate and seek professional medical assistance if they are unwell or suspected to have been in contact with a COVID 19 case.
Members, volunteers and coaches must advise the club if you are confirmed to have COVID-19 you must advise the club immediately if you have participated in any club activities within 14 days.
The club will advise members, volunteers and coaches in the event of a COVID related incident, The NSW Health Department will contact North Sydney Cricket Club and the club will contact and advise all members and visitors to seek medical assistance.
All members, volunteers and coaches must adhere to all the COVID protocols – hand sanitising, 1 person per 4 square metres rule/1.5metres between individuals, 5 players per net, no sharing equipment, use hand sanitiser before and after fielding and bowling sessions, no hand shaking or unnecessary contact, make sure your attendance at Community Sporting Events has been noted and no spitting or saliva to be used on balls.